oh cousin, I know the depth of your heart as the tides swirl within life’s indifferences, as you salvage a smile, with two steps forward, shouldering strength in the evidence of good works, blessed to you to give away, with so much more stored within the engine driving your soul


His words were a smooth oil, a salve to the faint.  Though wronged in the past, he forgave.  Moved on, removing walls of hurt to reach beyond. When speaking he releases part of himself, filling others with hope, never running out of the light within.  He often says, “Life is too rich to keep it … More SOMEONE


Is it an instrument of the heart? That upward curvaceous crescent, the outward personal presentation, the deliverer of mirth, and the creator of forming a phrase while often connected to a laugh. Where does the smile start?  Maybe in the the hallways of the pituitary.  Or coaxed out from a hidden place. For some a … More A SMILE